Ideas Need®Communicating
English for Professionals



Our System

designed to maintain the intellectual integrity of you documents.


We view the correction and improvement of your document as a collaborative process between our experts in technical English and you, the author. Critically, this ensures that your original ideas are faithfully conveyed. In addition, both learn from the process: you learn from your mistakes and thereby improve your English; the editor gains a deeper understanding of your work. We have a very positive experience of such ongoing partnerships and discounts are offered.

The usual process is as follows:

• you send us your text to be corrected or, preferably, the document to be corrected, as it is useful to see the text in context i.e. with graphics etc.
• we give you a quotation and, when approved, go ahead with the correction
• we return a draft document with two types of correction

i) straightforward corrections e.g. grammatical and orthographical errors
ii) more complex changes proposed where your original text lacks clarity i.e. your intended meaning may be in doubt

• the author reviews the changes to approve, the type i) corrections, and consider, the type ii) ones
• author and editor arrange a time to discuss corrections
• editor sends a polished document to the author, accompanied by feedback on the language errors identified in the original text.

If there are several authors, we like to have a principal contact, but are happy to discuss changes also with other interested parties.
Note that the cycle of correction and consultation may need to be repeated for complex documents requiring significant amendment.


The translation of a document by its nature requires less communication with the author than correction. Nevertheless, to achieve a translated version which is not literal but completely faithful to the original we may still wish to contact the author. For example, in the case that the meaning of some phrases in the original is ambiguous, to be sure that the correct emphasis is transmitted in English.

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